Ep. 129 - Erik Wernquist

The Collective Podcast - A podcast by Ash Thorp


Swedish director Erik Wernquist joins us this week to discuss his major inspirations including sci-fi art and novels, how important passion projects are to his career, and a bunch of behind-the-scenes info on his short film Wanderers as well as his work for Jamie xx. GUEST LINKS: Erik’s Website: http://erikwernquist.com/ Erik’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/erikwernquist Wanderers: https://vimeo.com/108650530 Gosh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjNssEVlB6M ------------------------------ The Collective Newsletter: http://www.thecollectivepodcast.com/newsletter Subscribe on iTunes: http://www.thecollectivepodcast.com/itunes Subscribe via RSS: http://www.thecollectivepodcast.com/rss Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thecollectivepodcast Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/thecpodcast ------------------------------ SHOW NOTES: Carl Sagan: http://www.carlsagan.com/ Chesley Bonestell: http://www.bonestell.org/ Kim Stanley Robinson: http://www.kimstanleyrobinson.info/ HiRISE: http://mars.nasa.gov/mro/mission/instruments/hirise/ The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are solely those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views of their employers.