Ep213 - Anna Skaya

The Community Cats Podcast - A podcast by The Community Cats Podcast - Tuesdays


Interview! Anna Skaya, CEO and Founder of Base Paws

“The bigger database, the more associations and discoveries we can make.”

Anna Skaya is the CEO and founder of Base Paws, a commercial company that conducts feline genetic testing and research. Using the results from genetic testing, we can analyze an individual cat and assess her probability of contracting certain diseases. In less than a year of work, Base Paws has determined that Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM), a common (and serious) disease among cats, affects 15% of cats, using the data collected from willing pet parents and shelters.

Perhaps even more importantly, Base Paws’ work can help to predict patterns not just in the individual, but the larger population. Currently Base Paws is enlisting pet parents whose cats fit certain criteria to bring their cat in for testing. This will help Base Paws build both their genetic and behavioral database. Anna says that as the database grows, the accuracy of Base Paws’ predictions and analyses will increase, which could provide critical information about cat health and improve treatment of feline illness overall.

To learn more about Base Paws, please visit basepaws.com. If you’re interested in volunteering your cat for testing in order to improve feline genetic research, check out the Base Paws blog and see if your cat qualifies.