Drag Race 15x12 Recap | "Wigloose: The Rusical!"

And a Rewatch Podcast - A podcast by Just About Write


Paige (@paigenkiser) has the night off as Chels (@Chels725) returns and joins Jesse (@speakupjesse) in his matinée era to cover this episode of RuPaul's Drag Race.The queens step into Kevin Bacon's boots for a timely Wigloose: The Rusical all about drag being banned in a small town and the underground alliance that tries to defeat the bigots. While this episode was filmed last summer, the queens dive into the drag bans and other real threats that are currently happening. Over on the runway, our fringed country bumpkin Orville Peck joins our judges for an "everybody say glove"-themed runway, and the judges ask our queens the dreaded question: "Who should go home?" We conclude with a terrible lip sync to an incredible song, and we're left with our final five. Join us this season and let us know who you think should be America's next drag superstar!For reference:Shape of Water monsterCreature from the Black Lagoon Salina's message to RossDonate if you can to the ACLU Drag Defense Fund. 💖Follow us on Twitter and Instagram for more fun content. Support the Loveland Therapy Fund for Black Women and Girls, and donate if you can to the ACLU Drag Defense Fund. 💖