The Office of Compline for August 20, 2023

The Compline Service from St. Mark's Cathedral - A podcast by The Compline Choir - Mondays

The Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost ORISON: Christ, mighty Savior (Tune: Christe, Lux mundi) – Plainsong, Mode VII, Freiburg MS., 14th cent. PSALM 67 – Plainsong, Tone VIII.1PSALM 67 – Plainsong, Tone VIII.1 OFFICE HYMN: To you before the close of day (Tune: Te lucis ante terminum) – Plainsong, Mode VIII, Antiphonale Sarisburiense, Vol. II NUNC DIMITTIS – Plainsong, Tone III.4 ANTHEM: I will call upon God – Charles Wood (1866-1926) Kenneth Pendergrass, director • J. Scott Kovacs, reader • Fred McIlroy, cantor