#592: Sunday Scaries and Monday Dread

The Confidence Podcast: Confidence Tips for Self-Esteem, Self-Worth, Self-Love, Self-Confidence and Courage to Overcome Self-Doubt, Overthinking, Insecurity, Perfectionism, Procrastination and Impostor Syndrome - A podcast by Trish Blackwell - Tuesdays

Do you feel anxiety or dread on Sundays, especially Sunday evenings, when the weekend starts winding down? Maybe you feel it like resistance, or like something is looming in on you … you just want to be happy and to be "normal" about not letting work press into your life, but you just aren't sure how to or why your general stress feels so intense.  Maybe you counterbalance this with an extra glass of wine or you start daydreaming about finding another job that you actually look forward to, but nothing ever comes of it or changes. You get through, and then you get to Tuesday and find yourself already counting down the days until Friday. If any of this resonated with you, this episode of The Confidence Podcast is for you.  You are not alone, and there are a few hacks you can implement right away to make your weekends more enjoyable and to quiet the stressful voice that shouts at you when the Sunday Scaries press in. Get the full show notes and transcipt at www.trishblackwell.com/592    ❤️ABUNDANT AND ACCELERATED, 3-month 1:1 program with Trish, find out more at www.trishblackwell.com/abundant 📓GET THE "JOURNAL MASTERY BUNDLE"  for just $7 at www.trishblackwell.com/journalmasterybundle 🎉TAKE PART IN THE 7-DAY SELF-VALIDATION CHALLENGE, for just $7 at www.trishblackwell.com/validate ✏️1000 Journal Prompts: Grab your prompts at www.trishblackwell.com/prompts ✅ ‌ FREE CLASS! LEARN HOW TO STOP CARING WHAT PEOPLE THINK ‌ Don't forget to sign up for our free "How to Stop Caring What People Think" webinar masterclass at  http://www.trishblackwell.com/stopcaring ‌ ✅‌ GET ACCELERATED RESULTS: Our next-level coaching happens at: http://www.collegeofconfidence.com ✅ STAY CONNECTED. 👉‌Website:  https://www.trishblackwell.com/ 👉Instagram:  http://instagram.com/trish_blackwell‌  👉Facebook: www.facebook.com/TrishBlackwellCoaching 👉‌Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@trishblackwellcoaching