#179: Priming to Buy - Are you Influencing or Manipulating Your Audience

The Confident Coaches Podcast - A podcast by Amy Latta - Tuesdays


There's a line between marketing that's influencing your audience and manipulating your audience. And HOO BOY, do some coaches like dancing on that line and even unabashedly crossing it. The question is ... if it works, does that mean we should do it, too? In this week's episode, I dive into what it means to prime your audience to buy from you, and tactics I no longer use, blatant do-not-do-that, and the grey areas. Why manipulative tactics are harmful to you, your audience, and the industry as a whole, and what we can do instead. You may not agree with all my Hot Takes, but we all just keep getting better when we continue the Shady Business Shit conversation. Get the full show notes and more information here: http://www.amylatta.com/179