Ep 33 How to Recall Positive Memories and Emotions with NLP Anchoring Techniques

The Conscious Chats Podcast - A podcast by Jay Win


This is Episode number 33 with Robert Sanders. Robert is an expert in using language and imagination to reframe people’s experience of life. He’s worked with over 300 clients from many backgrounds ranging from musicians to business owners. In this episode, we discuss how to create positive memories and emotions with NLP anchoring techniques and the first 3 steps to take on when starting a career in coaching and many more. To have a discovery call with Robert use the link here - https://calendly.com/rsanderscoach/30-minute-free-trial-fb-clone Link to a journal - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Anxiety-Habits-Journal-journaling-overcome/dp/1706346875 Website: www.robertsanders.me.uk  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/timeforyounow Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@robertsanders1814