Innovation Theater with Tendayi Viki
The Conversation Factory - A podcast by Daniel Stillman

Innovation Theater. Have you ever been guilty of performing innovation theater? My guest today, Tendayi Viki, is a partner at Strategyzer (the company behind the business model canvas and other innovation tools) and defines Innovation Theater simply as: ACTIVITIES THAT LOOK LIKE INNOVATION BUT THAT CREATE NO VALUE FOR COMPANIES So: A workshop that creates enthusiasm with no follow up. A Hackathon that doesn’t solve real challenges. Training everyone in Design Thinking but changing no internal policies to encourage experimentation and prototyping. I’ve been guilty of it. How can we all do better? This is a delicate topic, because it’s not wrong to want more people in your organization to “get” innovation and the practices that drive innovation. Then we’ll have buy-in to do more, right? Support The Podcast As A Conversation Factory Insider Full Transcript at: Links and Resources Tendayi on the web Tendayi at the Innov8ers Conference: Tendayi’s latest book: Pirates in the Navy