The Email Expert Who Sends A $149/mo. Paper Newsletter

The HeyCreator Show - A podcast by HeyCreator - Tuesdays


On this week’s episode, Ethan Brooks (@damn_ethan) talks to email marketing expert, Chris Orzechowski (@chrisorzy), founder of Orzy Media and The Email Copywriter. They talk about copywriting, voice, famous ad writers, and paid newsletters (including a guy who used direct mail to drive $47k+ in business off of 800 fliers). Cool Stuff Mentioned In The Show You can find Chris on Twitter here Check out Orzy Media here Chris’s first books, Make It Rain and Scale While You Sleep His newest book, Client Acquisition How his team learns and refines the voice of new clients Abbey Woodcock’s book on writing voice How he hires writers (and the benefits of teaching your profession) Why you need to publish a book (now) Howard Gossage, the ad-man who saved The Grand Canyon and the Redwoods The book, “The Revenge of Analog” by David Sax The psychology behind sending a paper newsletter The logistics behind his newsletter (pricing, printing, shipping, etc.) For more great insights, check out… Copyblogger Academy where you’ll learn the 3 skills you need to become an effective content entrepreneur in today’s world. Trends where you’ll find cutting-edge research on emerging business trends, plus hands-on advice on how to capitalize on them.… Use code BOATDRINKS for the best discount available.