How to Raise Your Level Of Consciousness | TCM #138 (Part 1)
The Cosmic Matrix - A podcast by Bernhard Guenther & Laura Matsue

The process of awakening ties into the evolution of consciousness and ultimately into individuation and soul embodiment. The more you are living from essence, your true Self (and not the wounded and conditioned ego personality), the higher your level of consciousness, which affects your everyday life and the reality you experience. In this episode, we discuss how you can raise your level of consciousness in practical terms and become more aligned with your essence and true Self. We use David Hawkins's map of consciousness as a model to explore this topic in more depth. We share the major signs that you are caught in lower states of consciousness and out of integrity, caught in falsehood and how to get out of it, and signs that you are embodying higher levels of consciousness. We discuss how different levels of consciousness manifest in society and different ideologies and how they affect you. We also explore the somatic aspect and how body tension and unprocessed emotions negatively impact your level of consciousness and the way you perceive the world, keeping you stuck in the lower astral. Finally, we’ll give you some practical tools for working with this. In the second hour, we explore spiritual science further and address the questions of where your thoughts really come from and how your level of consciousness determines the field and experiences you attract. We discuss how negative emotions facilitate illness, how all positive emotions tend to cure illness, how negative energy fields affect you, and why it is important to discern who you surround yourself with and what media you consume. We'll also discuss kenosis and the process of "self-emptying" in relation to raising your consciousness. Furthermore, we explore the esoteric concept of A and B influences, which is very important to understand nowadays in the information age, and how higher levels of consciousness relate to a willingness to surrender to God unconditionally. Show Notes Part 1: * Overview of the map of consciousness by David Hawkins [see below - scroll down to view map] * The critical level of 200 * linear vs. non-linear vision * The biggest obstacle to entering higher states of [non-linear] consciousness is the intellect * The critical level for spiritual realization is going above 500 * The supra-mental consciousness based on Sri Aurobindo's work and the map of consciousness * Signs that you are caught in lower states of consciousness, caught in falsehood, and how to get out of it * Moving from lower to higher states requires inner psycho-spiritual work to transmute the lower states [You can't just "think" yourself higher] * Signs that you are embodying higher states of consciousness * Socialism, Communism, and Marxism operate on a very low level of victim/entitlement consciousness * Far-right fascism and religious fundamentalism also operate on a very low level of consciousness rooted in falsehood * Body Tension and how it affects one's state of mind and how one sees the world * Practical suggestion on how to raise your level of consciousness In Part 2 (only for members), we go deeper into: * How all the negative emotions facilitate illness, and all the positive emotions tend to cure illness [based on the map of consciousness] * The importance of letting go of labels and identifications * Where do your thoughts come from, and why “you” don’t “create” thoughts * The importance of meditation and stilling the mind * How your level of consciousness determines the field and experiences you attract * The porosity of the mind