Soul Purpose Vs. Ego Desires: Finding Your True Path | TCM #146 (Part 1)
The Cosmic Matrix - A podcast by Bernhard Guenther & Laura Matsue

This podcast is about helping you find your true path, what this will require of you, and how to differentiate between your ego desires and your deeper soul purpose. In the first hour, we discuss ego desires vs. soul purpose, the crisis of meaning society is experiencing, and how cultural conditioning influences us to follow paths that are not in alignment with who we really are. We also discuss how this relates to Carl Jung's concept of individuation; we will define it, discuss how to recognize calls to individuation in one's life, discuss what happens when one refuses the call, and lastly, explain how to know when one is on one's true path. In the second hour, we discuss why many people who talk about purpose can mislead you and why conventional approaches of self-help, mindset, and therapy often fail, what's in the way of you finding your purpose and the inner work it requires, how there can be a sense of guilt when you individuate, and how many people end up living their parents' unlived life or society's expectations unconsciously. We also share personal experiences of finding our soul purpose, how hidden hands help us when we answer the call to individuate, and how this relates to following your bliss. Show Notes Part 1: * Why many people are unhappy despite having achieved everything they thought they wanted * What are "ego desires"? * The role of the ego * Where do your desires come from? * What is the soul? * What is soul purpose? * The epidemic and trap of meaninglessness * How the ego gets influenced via cultural conditioning * Bernhard's experience of meaninglessness * The unconscious need for approval from parents, society, and our "tribe" * What individuation is and what it is not * Wholeness vs. Perfection * How the ego can hijack the process * How to recognize calls to Individuation * The trap of just "wanting to feel better" and quick fixes * What happens when you refuse the call * The necessity to face the lies you've been telling yourself without blaming others or yourself * How an outer event is a mirror of an unconscious inner process * =How to tell the difference between soul desires and ego desires * How you will know you're on your true path In Part 2 (only for members), we go deeper into: * Why many people who talk about purpose can mislead you * Why changing your mindset and CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy) is not enough * How conventional self-work methods, therapies, and "motivational" techniques work on the false self and can leave you more lost and unhappy in the long run * The temptation to create a new "shiny" ego-personality identity (ego inflation) * The many misconceptions about soul purpose and what it IS NOT * What soul purpose IS * How to work with desire * Bernhard's story of how he learned not to identify with anything he did or thought his purpose was * What's in the way of us finding our purpose * How complexes and our shadow hide our purpose * Overcoming the mother complex is a big hurdle for men and women in modern society * The necessity for a rite of passage and what it is * How to find your true Self and true path * Practical suggestions of shadow work to find out who you truly are. * Laura's story of individuation, overcoming the need to be "liked" and "accepted" * How there can be a sense of guilt when you begin to individuate * Individuation doesn't mean joining any groups, movements (including health or truth movements),