92 - Gallic Wars 2: Conspiracy

Cost of Glory - A podcast by Alex Petkas


Join us in Austin for the Cost of Glory Men's Retreat. January 23-26.  Theme: Caesar  https://costofglory.com/retreatCaesar almost loses it all, in part 2 of our series on Caesar’s masterwork of psychology, strategy, and propaganda: On the Gallic War (De Bello Gallico). This is a world-history making story (the conquest of what’s now modern France), told by a world-history making storyteller. Caesar entered Gaul as a mere politician. He returned 9 years later as a conqueror - and an enemy of the state. He tells how it all happened with his own pen.In this episode: -A conspiracy of the powerful, warlike Belgae (Belgian tribes). -The battle of the Sabis, against the Nervii-Caesar's terrifying siege tactics Subscribe to the CoG Substack to get high quality transcripts w/ MAPS AND IMAGES.  Here's the one for this episode.This episode is sponsored by our very generous sponsor, Dr. Richard Johnson, an avid Cost of Glory listener. Thanks Richard!