Sex therapist Emma Waring

The Courageous Mumma - A podcast by courageousmumma


Sex and relationship therapist, Emma Waring has hopped on this week to share many gems on that subject which is easier to 'do' than talk about! Fortunately, she's unabashed and and speaks into the many areas that can interfere with intimacy. Emma also shares some surprising stats and helps to open the curtain on what's really going on out there, compared to what film, tv and other screen options portray.  When you're busy raising a family it's possible that sex and relational needs are given a low priority. But emotionally healthy families are healthy in all aspects - the relationship between parents will suffer if intimacy is put on hold or if issues are avoided.  This podcast will clear up misinformation and hopefully start some good conversations.  Here are some useful links  Pop to the blog for a summary of Last month's Enneagram 8 Pick up a copy of my book, Parenting for Life Find out information on Parent support here  I highly recommend Emma's book , Seasons of Sex and Intimacy Further reading by Esther Perell