Why You Cling The Most to People Who Treat You You The Worst
The Crappy Childhood Fairy Podcast with Anna Runkle - A podcast by Anna Runkle
Neglect and abandonment in childhood can leave you with "crossed wires" -- when someone you love mistreats you, you may feel the uncontrollable urge to make them happy -- to make them love you, even if it means abandoning yourself. In this "best of" compilation, I share four of my most popular videos on the subject of CLINGING in relationships. Do you have CPTSD? Take the QUIZ: Free Pdf Download: https://bit.ly/3X9MZ7J Take my FREE Course or Quizzes: https://bit.ly/40M2YeW Enroll in my Courses or Membership: https://bit.ly/3HP5qcf Send your questions & comments to: [email protected]