You May Be Signalling to Others That You Feel “Less-Than”

The Crappy Childhood Fairy Podcast with Anna Runkle - A podcast by Anna Runkle


Even if you're good at acting confident, you may be giving off signs that you feel "less than" other people. Low self-esteem can have the effect of pushing good people away from you, and this in turn makes it harder to grow in confidence. In this video from my archive, I teach about what I call "the underdog effect" -- the unspoken signals you may be giving off, that you don’t feel good about yourself, and what you can do to free yourself from trauma energy and relate to other people freely, as yourself. Eleven Strategies to Feel Happier Today: FREE PDF Download: 🟢 Order My New Book, RE-REGULATED: Take my FREE Course or Quizzes: Enroll in my Courses or Membership: Send your questions & comments to: [email protected] NEED ONLINE THERAPY? *BetterHelp* can connect you with a licensed, online therapist: