2.24 - Saying No To Good Things To Say Yes To Better Things

The Creative Exponent - A podcast by Marian Parsons & Shaunna West


You’re a creative entrepreneur. You wear a million different hats. And chances are, because you are opportunistic and optimistic or financially motivated, you wind up saying yes to everything. And while sometimes we have to say yes to more than we’d like, the goal is to move into the place where we can become discerning, and say no to the good to make room for the best. Saying no is golden. Saying no when something is not a “heck yes!” is essential to save room in our businesses and in our lives to GROW. We’ve both been there, and this week we talk about two or three instances where we have had to say no in big ways to pave the way for the better opportunities for our businesses or to provide more thriving in our lives. You can find us, Marian and Shaunna, at www.thecreativeexponent.com where we continue our passionate conversation around all things creative.