2.33 - The Benefits Of Developing Creative Rituals

The Creative Exponent - A podcast by Marian Parsons & Shaunna West


Neither of us would consider ourselves hyper-scheduled or ritually rigid. However, we both have learned the value in instilling little creative rituals that help us get started, or keep going, or get inspired. We chat about the importance of setting up a designated place for your creative practice, the time you choose to create, and the ambiance you surround yourself with. There is so much you can’t control in your environment, but setting some intention around these three areas can help move you into your creative routine even on the days you feel like you just cannot muster it. Shaunna’s Studio Vibes Playlist: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/studio-vibes/pl.u-55D6XY1t8gmbr9 You can find us, Marian and Shaunna, at www.thecreativeexponent.com where we continue our passionate conversation around all things creative.