2.34 - From B&B Owner To Blogger - Michael Wurm Jr. Of Inspired By Charm

The Creative Exponent - A podcast by Marian Parsons & Shaunna West


This week we are joined by one of our friends and fellow bloggers, Michael Wurm, of the popular home decor and lifestyle blog, Inspired By Charm. If you haven’t heard of Michael, there is almost certainly a chance you’ve seen his work. His recipes and entertaining experiences are ALL over the internet, and his approach to what he shares is what draws us into his content over and over. We chat about his wonderful story of buying a Bed & Breakfast, Old Charm, and how creating experiences for his guests gave him something to blog about….and how that blog then became his full-time career. Michael’s passion is creating approachable content that inspires people to create hospitable experiences in their own homes, and we talk about this, social media, hospitality, and more in today’s episode. We hope you leave as inspired as we did! You can find Michael at his blog https://inspiredbycharm.com and on Instagram @inspiredbycharm. You can find us, Marian and Shaunna, at www.thecreativeexponent.com where we continue our passionate conversation around all things creative.