3.3 - Creative Evolution With Emily Lex

The Creative Exponent - A podcast by Marian Parsons & Shaunna West


Episode 3.3 Creative Evolution with Emily Lex We have both known Emily Lex for years...as a matter of fact, we all began blogging around the same time, and we just wanted to share a cool story with all of you. She is an Artist, Author, Journaler, and creative entrepreneur seeking to EVOLVE. Yessssss. We watched her business and blog evolve over the years, and it was freeing to watch. We sat down with Emily, and heard the story of where her business and blog began, and how one day, she knew it was time to change it. To begin again...in a new way. I, Shaunna, personally, relate to her story 100%...as I had to do that very same thing. We hear her heart behind change, and allowing herself to evolve, expand, and pursue the things she knows to be hers to pursue...and we get some inside scoop on her new book coming out soon, Freely and Lightly. We hope you leave our conversation feeling with a strong desire to allow yourself to evolve creatively, over and over again. You can find Emily at https://emilylex.com and on Instagram @emilylexstudio. You can find us, Marian and Shaunna, at www.thecreativeexponent.com where we continue our passionate conversation around all things creative.