3.8 - Bouncing Back From Nos

The Creative Exponent - A podcast by Marian Parsons & Shaunna West


The no’s are just hard. They are so hard, as a matter of fact. Getting a no can feel devastating, and it may take serious effort to move forward, but getting a no can also be a beautiful thing. We have both gotten so many no’s to opportunities, to pitches, to product lines...we have been there. Getting negative feedback & criticism, or even receiving a no is worth feeling. Feel the no. Feel the frustration and disappointment, and keep going. It may sound simple and a little fluffy, but believe us, allowing yourself to feel the no’s, and keep doing what you do is the way to move through them. This week we talk about some of our own no’s, and the ways we can all cope with them, learn from them, and be shaped by them. You can find us, Marian and Shaunna, at www.thecreativeexponent.com where we continue our passionate conversation around all things creative.