The Creative Process in 10 minutes or less · Arts, Culture & Society: Books, Film, Music, TV, Art, Writing, Creativity, Education, Environment, Theatre, Dance, LGBTQ, Climate Change, Sustainability, Social Justice, Spirituality, Feminism, Technology - A podcast by The Creative Process · Books, Film, Music, TV, Art, Writing, Creativity, Education, Environment, Theatre, Dance, LGBTQ, Social Justice, Spirituality, Feminism, Technology...
“A lot of people think climate change is about avoiding the extinction of mankind. In my opinion, climate change is about putting pressure on society and disrupting society to an extent that it can't function properly anymore. So my greatest fear is that if we don't combat climate change, the weather extremes will hit us with a frequency and intensity that we will not be able to recover after each impact. And then we will start to fight with each other.” Anders Levermann is a professor at the Physics Institute of Postdam University, Germany, as well as an adjunct senior research scientist of Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Earth Institute at Columbia University, New York. Levermann’s research focuses on climate dynamics and its social-economic impact. His work is used to advise political and economic stakeholders on the issue of climate change. Levermann has been involved in the assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change since 2004. He is a member of the scientific advisory body of UNEP Finance Initiative’s Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance. He is also the head of global economic stability project Zeean. · · · ·