#361: Batsh*t Crazy Cryptids Vol. 3: Weirdos Of The Wild
The Cryptonaut Podcast - A podcast by The Cryptonaut Podcast. - Mondays

The world we live in is an extraordinary place full of wild wonders and odd events so strange they leave us questioning our place in the universe… but on the fringes of these already nebulous realms are anomalous entities that are so guano caliber nuts, even the most open minded paranormal enthusiast will find themselves uttering the immortal phrase “WTF!?” The Cryptonaut Podcast Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/cryptonautpodcas The Cryptonaut Podcast Merch Stores:Hellorspace.com - Cryptonautmerch.com Stay Connected with the Cryptonaut Podcast: Website - Twitter - Facebook - Instagram - YouTube