How Masculinity Saved the World
Current Reality Podcast - A podcast by King's Domain
In this episode, we discuss the why God reveals himself in masculine terms in scripture. God relates to His redeemed creation as a husband relates to a bride. God’s masculinity in no way diminishes women or femininity because it is for his bride that Christ gave his life. Also, God's masculinity in no way exalts men to a higher status than women because both men and women comprise the bride of Christ together equally (Gal 3:28). In God’s household, masculine and feminine are both ways God is glorified in men and women who are distinct from one another yet created for union with each other. For questions or comments, send us an email at [email protected]. Our church is Christ the King Church in Cincinnati, OH. The Current Reality Podcast is a resource of King's Domain, Cincinnati, OH. Articles Referenced in this episode James Cameron on Testosterone: James Cameron on Pregnant Warriors: USA Today on the APA Calling Traditional Masculinity Harmful: