166. A More Personal Way to Launch a Book w/ Ethan Beute

The Customer Experience Podcast - A podcast by Ethan at BombBomb - Tuesdays


Two and a half months ago, gearing up for the launch of our second book, Human-Centered Communication, we found that mass emails did not perform as well as before. Here’s what has worked: personal one-to-one video messages. People and relationships matter more today than ever. I’m Ethan Beute, Chief Evangelist at BombBomb, host of The Customer Experience Podcast, and co-host of the CX Series on the B2B Growth Show. In this episode, I share how our launch strategy has changed to reflect the thesis of our book — that human-centered communication is the most meaningful and successful way to cut through today’s digital pollution.  Here are some thoughts from the episode:How personalization promotes memoryWhat our book rankings areHow we pivoted our launch strategy for our second bookWhat I said in my video messages and how people respondedWhy human interaction matters even more online  Subscribe, listen, and rate/review the Customer Experience Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play or Google Podcasts, and find more episodes on our blog. Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for The Customer Experience Podcast in your favorite podcast player.