197. The Increasing Value of Human-To-Human Moments w/ Ethan Beute

The Customer Experience Podcast - A podcast by Ethan at BombBomb - Tuesdays


The human experience is becoming increasingly more valuable.  As we move forward in time, human-to-human interactions are going to become more rare and therefore more valuable.  I’m Ethan Beute , Chief Evangelist at BombBomb , host of The Customer Experience Podcast , and recently coauthor of the Wall Street Journal bestseller Human-Centered Communication , together with Stephen Pacinelli . Listen in today to learn about why human-to-human moments triumph over commoditization and how to balance the tech touch with the human touch. In this episode, I contextualize and share a short passage from a 90-minute interview with me, Steve, and Mathew Sweezey , marketing futurist at Salesforce, during our research for Human-Centered Communication.  Here are some thoughts from the episode:Why the power of human-to-human moments increases as we get more digitalThe proportion of rarity and value in human momentsWhy humans are differentiators in sales and CXHow video messages beat the competition for attentionWhat Mat Sweezey’s take is on noise, pollution, and trust  Subscribe, listen, and rate/review the Customer Experience Podcast on Apple Podcasts , Spotify , or Google Podcasts , and find more episodes on our blog. Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for The Customer Experience Podcast in your favorite podcast player.