54. Unlocking the Science of Video w/ Vanessa Van Edwards

The Customer Experience Podcast - A podcast by Ethan at BombBomb - Tuesdays


Today, we’re talking about how people work. It’s no understatement to say that knowing how people think and what makes them tick is a must for everything from making sales to just holding conversations that uplift both sides.

I was incredibly excited to talk to Vanessa Van Edwards, Lead Investigator at Science of People and bestselling author of Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People

In this episode of The Customer Experience Podcast, we chatted about 3 types of people, why video is so important, how Vanessa still challenges herself to be authentic after 12 years on YouTube, and ways to open and close conversations. This episode is not to be missed for anyone who’s ever had to make boring small talk or wanted to know how to develop deeper connections faster.

What we talked about:

  • Video produces oxytocin
  • Video takes practice
  • Dump the script when you’re recording
  • Ways to open and close a conversation

Check out these resources we mentioned during the podcast:

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