65. Product Usage as a Vanity Metric w/ Chris Hicken

The Customer Experience Podcast - A podcast by Ethan at BombBomb - Tuesdays


Product usage is a vanity metric.


Actually, product usage is just one of 15 factors that companies should use to build a picture of their organization’s health. These belong in four “buckets” that show what to track instead to create a risk profile for each account (likelihood to renew or churn).


In this episode, I interview Chris Hicken, cofounder and CEO at ‘nuffsaid, about what tracking product usage is (and isn’t) good for.


What we talked about:


- 4 main buckets: Customer Maturity, The Product, The Experience, The Pricing


- Why the CS leader should own more go-to-market strategy in the future


- Considerations for product-led growth, sales-led growth, and marketing-led growth


- Why free and freemium may not be a good fit


- Considerations for going up market from SMB to Enterprise


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