Daily: Another Ukrainian power grid outage may have cyber causes. ShadowBrokers may have got Equation Group code from a rogue insider. WordPress brute-forcing. Evading volumetric detection. Methbot ad fraud. Wassenaar remains controversial. 

CyberWire Daily - A podcast by CyberWire, Inc.


In today's podcast, we discuss another possible cyber incident that hit Ukraine's power grid last Saturday. Flashpoint looks at the ShadowBrokers' alleged Equation Group code and sees a rogue insider behind the leak. WordPress sites are receiving a lot of brute-forcing attempts. New spam and other attack techniques are evading volumetric detection. Mirai is sniffing for new IoT bots, and Dave Larson from Corero Network Security tells us what to expect in 2017. Jonathan Katz from the University of Maryland outlines advances in fully homomorphic encryption. Russian crooks skim ad revenue with the Methbot scam. Wassenaar cyber arms control remains controversial. And informed speculation suggests the ShadowBrokers and Bocephus Cleetus are—da—effectively, the same people.