Hacks shake confidence in financial system. FinFisher using MitM. CCleaner backdoor had specific targets in mind? US Forces Korea debunks bogus NEO warning. Locky masters like Game of Thrones. nRansomware asks for a different kind of payout.

CyberWire Daily - A podcast by CyberWire, Inc.


In today's podcast, we hear that the EDGAR breach is being seen as a blow to confidence in financial system. Credit bureaus continue to receive heightened scrutiny after the Equifax breach. FinFisher campaign suggests ISPs may have been compromised. The backdoor in CCleaner seems to have targeted specific companies. US Forces Korea personnel receive a bogus noncombatant evacuation order. Someone behind Locky watches a lot of Game of Thrones. Malek Ben Salem from Accenture Labs with a new attack vector that uses power management systems. Guest is Robert Sell sharing his experience participating in a DEFCON capture the flag. And Thomas the Tank Engine would never do what some skids show him doing.