Just Let The Kids Play, with Dr Peter Gray

The Dad Train - A podcast by Scott Davison

Compared to previous generations, today’s children have more homework, more adult-led activities and less free time to just play. According to psychologist Dr Peter Gray, this is a worrying trend that is having a negative impact on society. Dr Gray’s research shows that free-play is an important part of child development. It’s where they learn things like courage, creativity and social skills. In this interview, Dr Gray explains why it’s important for parents to step back and let their kids play, even (and sometimes especially) if it involves risk.What you’ll learnWhy Dr Gray decided to specialise in free-playHis research into The Sudbury Valley School in Massachusetts, where the children design their own curriculumWhat are the key features in the Sudbury education philosophy?Mixing kids of all ages togetherStaff are voted in by the studentsAll decisions need to be approved by a committee of students and staffAbout Dr, Gray’s book: Free to learnHow child-led play helps children develop important life skillsWhat are the negative impacts of too much adult-led education and playInternal versus external locus of control More informationShow notes and links to resources mentioned in this interview are available at https://thedadtrain.com/42