Reality Behind Reality

Daily Creative - A podcast by Todd Henry


You know that feeling when things suddenly make sense in a way they didn’t just a few moments before? When you see things more clearly and all the dots connect? It’s like there’s a sudden clarity that’s always been there, but you never noticed. You’ve seen through the looking glass. You’ve peered through to the heart of the issue.Pay special attention to those moments, because they are sacred. I don’t mean sacred in a spiritual sense but in a “set apart” sense, which is what the source word of sacred means. Pay attention to the circumstances that led to those breakthroughs, what you did just before, what you were reading or listening to, the conversation that was happening. It’s not that you can fabricate more of these moments, but you can learn to create environments in which they are more likely to occur.Think about the breakthrough moments you’ve experienced. What did they have in common? What were you doing just before? What were the circumstances that led to the breakthrough? What question did you ask?Breakthrough moments are a glimpse of reality behind reality. Pay attention to them, and learn from them.What do your breakthrough moments have in common? Are there any through lines that you notice?