6 Hard to Swallow Leadership Pills That, if Applied, Will Make You a Better Boss

The Agile Daily Standup - AgileDad - A podcast by AgileDad ~ V. Lee Henson


6 Hard to Swallow Leadership Pills That, if Applied, Will Make You a Better Boss 1. You’re the architect of most of your pain 2. Few will have the same motivation as you 3. You’ll get more from giving credit than trying to take it 4. Excellence is the next five minutes, or nothing 5. Some people are great workers but terrible employees 6. You don’t need to be liked to get the work done How to connect with AgileDad: - [website] https://www.agiledad.com/ - [instagram] https://www.instagram.com/agile_coach/ - [facebook] https://www.facebook.com/RealAgileDad/ - [Linkedin] https://www.linkedin.com/in/leehenson/