The REAL Reason Why People HATE Scrum - Abigail Sunday

The Agile Daily Standup - AgileDad - A podcast by AgileDad ~ V. Lee Henson


The REAL Reason Why People HATE Scrum - Abigail Sunday This is one of the BEST articles that I have read about Scrum in the recent past! PLEASE go and give it a read and show Abigail some LOVE! Imagine this: you’re part of a team newly transitioning to Scrum. There’s excitement in the air, but also a hint of skepticism. After all, you have heard mixed reviews about this popular agile framework on LinkedIn. As weeks turn into months, the initial enthusiasm wanes. Stand-ups feel like a chore, sprints seem never-ending, and the backlog is just sitting there looking at you. You start wondering, “Why do people hate Scrum? Or is it just our team?” How to connect with AgileDad: - [website] - [instagram] - [facebook] - [Linkedin]