Dr Christopher Hood on the world’s largest single plane crash, memorials, disasters, Japan and Japanese memorial cultures, writing fiction, plane crashes, mental health and suicide in academia

The Death Studies Podcast - A podcast by The Death Studies Podcast

What's the episode about? In this episode, hear Dr Christopher Hood discuss the world’s largest single plane crash, memorials, disasters, Japan and Japanese memorial cultures, writing fiction, plane crashes, mental health and academia, suicide and academia, and much more!  Who is Chris?  Christopher Hood is a Reader in Japanese Studies at Cardiff University. His publications include the Japan: The Basics, Osutaka: A Chronicle of Loss in the World’s Largest Single Plane Crash, and Dealing with Disaster in Japan: Responses to the Flight JL123 Crash, and ‘Truth and Limitations: Japanese Media and Disasters’ (in Handbook of Japanese Media and Popular Culture in Transition), ‘Japanese Disaster Narratives of the Early Twenty-First Century: Continuity and Change’ (published in French in Ebisu Études japonaises), and ‘Disaster Narratives by Design: Is Japan Different?’ (International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters). He is also the author of the novels Hijacking Japan, Tokyo 20/20 Vision, and FOUR. Homepage: http://hoodcp.wordpress.com Twitter: @HoodCP How do I cite the episode in my research and reading lists? To cite this episode, you can use the following citation: Hood, C. (2023) Interview on The Death Studies Podcast hosted by Michael Fox, B. and Visser, R. Published 1 December 2023. Available at: www.thedeathstudiespodcast.com, DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.24711444 What next? Check out more episodes or find out more about the hosts! Got a question? Get in touch.