Dr Hazel Marzetti on suicide, LBGT+ mental health, suicide in/as politics, qualitative health research and critical suicide studies
The Death Studies Podcast - A podcast by The Death Studies Podcast
What's the episode about? In this episode, hear Dr. Hazel Marzetti discuss suicide, LBGT+ mental health, suicide in/as politics, qualitative health research and critical suicide studies as well as collective care and peer support in death studies research. Who is Hazel? Hazel Marzetti is a post-doctoral Research Associate in the University of Edinburgh’s School of Health in Social Sciences. She currently works on the Leverhulme Trust funded Suicide in/as Politics project which uses qualitative, critical, and arts-based research methods to explore how suicide is represented and used in the UK’s suicide prevention policies, parliamentary debates and charity campaigns 2009-2019. Prior to this role, Hazel completed her PhD at the University of Glasgow’s MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, entitled ‘Exploring and understanding young LGBT+ people's suicidal thoughts and attempts in Scotland’. Hazel's research interests centre on critical suicide studies, LGBT+ mental health, the role of emotions in research practices, and qualitative approaches to health research. Hazel takes an active role in NetECR (a network for early career suicide and self-harm researchers), where she co-organises a Collective Care peer support group. In her spare time Hazel enjoys crafting, volunteering, and watching a lot of TV. References: Marzetti, H. (2018) ‘Proudly proactive: celebrating and supporting LGBT+ students in Scotland’, Teaching in Higher Education. Taylor & Francis, 23(6), pp. 701–717. doi: 10.1080/13562517.2017.1414788. Marzetti, Hazel Louise (2020) Exploring and understanding young LGBT+ people's suicidal thoughts and attempts in Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. Available at: https://theses.gla.ac.uk/82314/7/2020marzettiphd.pdf Marzetti,H. (2022) Researcher Self-Care Worksheet. Available at: https://hazelmarzetti.files.wordpress.com/2022/01/2022_worksheet_researcher_care_toolkit.pdf Marzetti, H. (2022) Manifesto for Change, http://dx.doi.org/10.7488/era/2220 Marzetti, H. et al. (2022) ‘Self-inflicted. Deliberate. Death-intentioned. A critical policy analysis of UK suicide prevention policies 2009-2019’, Journal of Public Mental Health, 21(1), pp. 4–14. doi: 10.1108/JPMH-09-2021-0113. Marzetti, H., McDaid, L. and O’Connor, R. (2022) ‘“Am I really alive?”: Understanding the role of homophobia, biphobia and transphobia in young LGBT+ people’s suicidal distress’, Social Science and Medicine. Elsevier Ltd, 298(December 2021), p. 114860. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2022.114860. How do I cite the episode in my research and reading lists? To cite this episode, you can use the following citation: Marzetti, H. (2023) Interview on The Death Studies Podcast hosted by Michael-Fox, B. and Visser, R. Published 1 May 2023. Available at: www.thedeathstudiespodcast.com, DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.22748525 What next? Check out more episodes or find out more about the hosts! Got a question? Get in touch.