M. F. (Mike) Alvarez on suicide, mental health and illness, the ethics of autoethnography, fine art, reflexive writing, creative writing, interdisciplinarity and biases in suicidolodgy and the academy
The Death Studies Podcast - A podcast by The Death Studies Podcast
What's the episode about? In this episode, hear M.F. (Mike) Alvarez on suicide, mental health and illness, autoethnography, fine art, reflexive writing, creative writing, interdisciplinarity and biases in the academy Who is M.F. Alvarez? M. F. (Mike) Alvarez is Assistant Professor of Communication at the University of New Hampshire in Durham, USA. He is the author of two books: The Paradox of Suicide and Creativity (Lexington Books, 2020), and Unraveling: An Autoethnography of Suicide and Renewal (Routledge, 2023). He is also lead author of A Plague for Our Time: Dying and Death in the Age of COVID-19 (McFarland, forthcoming), and lead editor of Suicide in Popular Media and Culture (Bristol UP, in progress). Dr. Alvarez is a founding member of the National Communication Association’s Death and Dying Division. He teaches courses in mental health communication, end of life communication, film and media studies, and autoethnography. How do I cite the episode in my research and reading lists? To cite this episode, you can use the following citation: Alvarez. M. F. (2024) Interview on The Death Studies Podcast hosted by Michael-Fox, B. and Visser, R. Published 1 April 2024. Available at: www.thedeathstudiespodcast.com, DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.25516474 What next? Check out more episodes or find out more about the hosts! Got a question? Get in touch.