The 4 Styles Of Journaling I Use

The Deep Dive with Adam Roa - A podcast by Adam Roa - Wednesdays


How has 2022 started out for you?  On last week’s episode of The Deep Dive I talked about some of my tips for journaling and why this style of writing can be an integral part of setting clear intentions and moving intentionally into the new year. It’s an amazing tool that can be used to not only set intentions, but even discover new ones and parts of yourself that may be present whether you acknowledge them or not.  This week I decided to keep it short and sweet, and continue the conversation. This time, I want to talk about the different styles of journaling that I actually do. An important part about writing in any fashion, is that it is meant to be creative. When we allow ourselves to communicate through pen and pad, our writing becomes an art form and therefore can be incredibly healing. That’s why I want to share with you some of these tips, and let you in on the 4 different styles of journaling that I use.  My Ebook, “Treat Yourself Like Someone You Love - 3 Tools To Make Self Love Easier”, is all about how to really uplevel your self-love game, and I’ve laid it out in 3 easy steps. Go to:  The CREATE Community is back and currently accepting new members! For more information on how to join myself and some of the worlds best facilitators to up level your life in the areas of relationships, business, and creativity, go to