Ep 14- The Starry Dark (FIRST EPISODE OF SEASON 2)

The Deep Place: On Creativity and Spirituality - A podcast by Joel Mckerrow, Joy Prouty - Sundays


WELCOME TO SEASON 2!!!!!! Joel and Joy are back having a chat about the monster that was 2020 and how they each got through the past year. __________________________ MUSIC by Taylor Leonhardt- https://www.taylorleonhardt.com ____________________________________ You can sign up to Joy's ONLINE COURSES at www.apertureoftheheart.com You can sign up to Joel's online course at www.joelmckerroweducation.com ____________________________________ Find Joel's work at- www.joelmckerrow.com Find Joy Prouty's work at- www.theproutys.co SUPPORT the DEEP PLACE with a monthly amount at https://www.patreon.com/thedeepplacepodcast FIND the podcast at www.thedeepplacepodcast.com JOIN the Podcast FB community at https://www.facebook.com/groups/thedeepplacepodcast Check out the INSTAGRAM at https://www.instagram.com/thedeepplacepodcast