Ep. 24. An Easter Reflection- The Womb...The Tomb...and all that lies between.

The Deep Place: On Creativity and Spirituality - A podcast by Joel Mckerrow, Joy Prouty - Sundays


Todays episode is an Easter reflection, an excerpt taken from Joel McKerrow's book- WOVEN: A Faith for the Dissatisfied. Check it out at www.joelmckerrow.com All music on todays episode by David Andrews. ________________________ Find Joel at- www.joelmckerrow.com Find Joy at- www.theproutys.co Find the podcast at www.thedeepplacepodcast.com Find the Podcast FB community at https://www.facebook.com/groups/thedeepplacepodcast Find the INSTAGRAM at https://www.instagram.com/thedeepplacepodcast