Season 8 Episode 03: Christa Pusateri "Memories shape our past, dreams guide our future"
the Design Driven Life - A podcast by WENDY YATES

This week on the Design Driven Life, Wendy Yates speaks with Christa Pusateri.Christa purpose is to connect leaders to collaborate, cocreate, and coelevate as we all pioneer the virtual frontier. Over the past 15 years, she has launched three companies, landed multiple six-figure roles in startups and corporate working from home (before COVID), taught college entrepreneurship courses, broke sales and engagement records, won global sales awards, created a cyber planning practice and personal development program, and developed incredible relationships some of the most influential leaders in technology and cyber security. Through her career journey, she has been blessed her with transformational experiences, such as being fired in 2012 and laid off in 2015 and 2020, giving her the power of resilience and an abundant mindset that empowers her to pursue the impossible. Today she is pouring her passion for helping people live on purpose into facilitating transformational growth conversations and virtual engagement events through a community of coaching practice called Future Advisory Board. Her current focus is on building Treedom, a Treehouse Retreat Oasis for Exponential Entrepreneurs moving through spiritual awakening, transforming education into Edutainment with a Virtual Reality Gamified Educational Platform called Cocreation, and launching Strategic Planning Retreats in 2022. She is also the host of ‘Securing the Future Podcast, A podcast with a purpose that promotes passionate thought leaders and the causes they care about. Additionally, she is a cocreator of A Forum for Harmony and archetypal dynamics, exploring Universal Laws to unite humans in the physical, digital, virtual and spiritual realms. Christa holds a Master's of Science in Management from the University of Florida and teachers as an adjunct instructor on courses in entrepreneurship and creativity. You can learn more about Cocreating with Christa by visiting the Design Driven Life is sponsored by Well Fit Human Retreats. Well Fit Human combines travel, fitness, and humanitarian work in vibrant destinations. Create positive impact through personal growth during our life-changing experiences. elevate yourself on their upcoming retreats.Buzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched!Start for FREEDisclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.