Innovation in Financial Services

The Disruptors - Innovation, Startups and Growth - A podcast by Sean Johnson @ Manifold


The financial services industry impacts us in broad sweeping ways, perhaps more than any other industry. And technology is forcing legacy institutions to adapt while juggling massive compliance, security, and legacy platform concerns. In this discussion with Jason Henrichs we talk about how financial services companies can adapt more successfully, leveraging unique frameworks that keep the existing business moving while enabling rapid tests and decision making. We also discuss how various emerging technologies are going to impact financial services going forward. Get show notes and more at If you enjoy the podcast, would love a quick review on iTunes or Stitcher. Thanks for Listening! IN THIS EPISODE: - Innovation and Regulation in Financial Services - Bimodal IT in Financial Services - Using Innovation Accounting - Innovation sandboxes in financial services - Measuring the success of innovation initiatives - Unbundling in financial services - The rise of robo-advisors - Leveraging data for financial services innovation - Blockchain in financial services - AI in financial services - Basic income - The opportunity for fintech to create social good