Innovation in residential real estate

The Disruptors - Innovation, Startups and Growth - A podcast by Sean Johnson @ Manifold


Welcome to Season 2 of the Disruptors Podcast.

How is technology going to transform the way we choose where to live? 

Chad Curry is currently the Director of Technology Partnerships for eXp Realty, and formerly the Managing Director of CRT Labs, the think tank for the National Association of REALTORS. 

In this episode we discuss:  

- How autonomous vehicles will dramatically alter the places people choose to live and work. 

- What will happen when homeowners become net producers of energy. 

- How blockchain, augmented reality and other technologies will impact the home purchasing and living process. 

- How agents are taking advantage of all these technologies to reposition themselves in the marketplace.

It's a fascinating discussion, one that will impact every one of us in the next 10 years. I hope you find it interesting.


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