1043. Fructose: Not as Healthy as It Sounds

The Doctor Is In Podcast - A podcast by Dr. A.W. Martin and Dr. A.P. Martin

Everyone thinks fructose is good for you because it sounds healthier. Fructose implies fruit, and fruit is good for you, right? Well, that may not be the case. Research is showing how fructose is metabolized in your liver almost identically to alcohol. We all know you need to be careful with alcohol because of the risk of damage to your liver. Dr. Martin discusses several studies on how fructose is a lot worse than we think. Instead of being used for energy, fructose is instead being stored in our bodies. Dr. Martin uses the example of bears who can eat up to 30,000 berries a day. Bears are storing fructose on purpose for their hibernation. It’s not being used for energy like glucose would be. Dr. Martin says fructose is a horrendous man-made sugar, and explains why in today’s episode. It’s important to learn the differences between fructose and glucose.