720. Cholesterol, Your Immune System’s Ally

The Doctor Is In Podcast - A podcast by Dr. A.W. Martin and Dr. A.P. Martin

Dr. Martin shares two fascinating studies in today’s episode. One of them is showing how the virus can hijack certain receptors in our cells to gain access to the body. People with high blood pressure, and those especially on medication, are more susceptible to getting the virus. When you take blood pressure medication, your body creates more ACE2 receptors in order to lower your blood pressure. The problem with having more of those receptors is that it allows more opportunity for the virus to enter your body. But there’s good news… the second study is showing how cholesterol shields your cells with a dome of protection. The higher your cholesterol, the more dome you have over your cells so they don't get hijacked by a virus or a bacteria. Listen to today’s episode to learn another reason why you want your cholesterol to be high!