809. The Heart Attack That Changed the World

The Doctor Is In Podcast - A podcast by Dr. A.W. Martin and Dr. A.P. Martin

Dr. Martin is a history guy. He loves history and especially the history of food. It makes up a big part of his education and it’s why he wants to teach nutrition to the world. It was 1955 when President Eisenhower had a heart attack while playing golf. This is when a pathologist at the University of Minnesota, Ancel Keys, first became known. He claimed that cholesterol and saturated fat had caused Eisenhower’s heart attack. Keys went on to become the leading doctor when it came to cholesterol and food.  President Eisenhower’s heart attack changed the world because it set us on a track of hammering down cholesterol and changing the foods we eat. It turns out that the heart attack wasn't caused by diet, but rather cigarette smoking.