#121: Prison Education (Meghan Cosgrove)

The Dr. Junkie Show - A podcast by Benjamin Boyce


This week I sit down with my fellow professor in the college education in prison program at CU-Denver. We talk about our experience as prison educators, the reasons for college in prison, the benefits of education as an identity-building tool, and lots more. To read published work from our incarcerated students, check out the Westword Article, "Educating Incarcerated People: An Easy Choice," or check out "In Between the Sword and the Pen" in the Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. The article Meghan mentioned (by me) about pushups in prison is "I did 340 Pushups to Prepare for the TV Version of Prison, Then I got There" in The Marshall Project. You can watch the Channel 9 news story talking shit about treating those in prisons like humans on YouTube, "Inmates drop female staffer into dunk tank during prison fundraiser." Check out my new book, The Spectacle of Punishment: Lessons from a Century of Prison Films wherever you buy books. You might also enjoy the open sources article I recently published about prison films called "Lessons from Shawshank: Outlaws, Lawmen and the Spectacle of Punishment." Check out the latest edition of Captured Words/Free Thoughts for a collection of art, poetry and academia from inside US prisons. Support the show here.Support the show