168. High vs. Low-Risk Bone Stress Injuries w/ Steph Mundt

The E3 Rehab Podcast - A podcast by E3 Rehab - Tuesdays

Chris Hughen sat down with Steph Mundt to discuss high vs. low risk bone stress injuries. We discuss the differences in patient education, recovery timelines, and management strategies between high and low risk sites.  Watch the full episode: https://youtu.be/f_5arJm93uM  More about Steph: Steph’s Instagram Steph’s Website Steph’s BSI Webinar Nathan Carlson BSI Protocols --- Follow Us: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/e3rehab  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/e3rehab/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/E3Rehab --- Rehab & Performance Programs: https://store.e3rehab.com/  Newsletter: https://e3rehab.ck.page/19eae53ac1  Coaching & Consultations: https://e3rehab.com/coaching/  Articles: https://e3rehab.com/articles/  Apparel: https://store.e3rehab.com/collections/frontpage  --- Podcast Sponsors: Legion Athletics: Get 20% off using "E3REHAB" at checkout! - https://legionathletics.rfrl.co/wdp5g  Vivo Barefoot: Get 20% off all shoes! - https://www.vivobarefoot.com/e3rehab Tindeq: Get 10% off your dynamometer using code “E3REHAB” at checkout - https://tindeq.com/ --- @dr.surdykapt @tony.comella @dr.nicolept @chrishughen @nateh_24 --- This episode was produced by Matt Hunter