New Tarot Spread! "How will today turn out? How can I get what I want to happen?"

The Easiest Way to Learn the Tarot–EVER!! - A podcast by Easy Tarot Lessons

New Tarot Spread of the Day!This is a short, powerful tarot spread you can cast as a stand-alone in a five minute reading, but it is so much more. This eviscerates any three card (blob) spreads most people waste their time with these days. It is punchy and direct, but as a fixed-position spread it gives you far more detailed and accurate information. The layout for this spread is here: along with several other professionally-designed spreads used by tarot experts to help their clients. 100% free (because we love you, and we hate bad tarot readings). How to use this spread! This is great when you don't have time for a full spread, or as an add-on spread in a larger consultation. How many times ave you given a reading and then your client wants to know how something will turn out, or how they can force things to go their way? This is the right spread for just such an occasion, especially after a larger spread. Give it a try. You will love this spread. I know this.Okay thanks for being here!Dusty