Star Wars, a Knights of the Old Republic Story III: Bastila: Trust
The Old Republic Podcast: The Ultimate KOTOR & Star Wars Podcast - A podcast by The Old Republic Podcast

Part 3: Star Wars, a Knights of the Old Republic Story: Bastila: Identity Hello there! We haven't been able to get the full final music for part 3 yet, but wanted to get the final part out there for everyone to hear the full story! When the music is finished we'll get all 3 parts put together for the ultimate final audio drama episode! Thanks for your patience, MTFBWY Directed by CASSIA LAWRENCE Screenplay by CASSIA LAWRENCE Script Editor SALATHIEL JONES STAR WARS Created by GEORGE LUCAS KOTOR Created by BIOWARE Produced by CASSIA LAWRENCE BRIAN MALONE Sound Design by BRIAN MALONE Music by JOSEPH DAVID SPENCE CAST (In Order of Appearance) Narrator & Race Official HUNTER LAPAGLIA Trask Ulgo & Jolee Bindo MARCUS MOSLEY Venar ADDLED MINDSETS Bastila Shan HAVILAH M. Juhani ALANNA KAPLAN Darth Malak JOSEPH DAVID SPENCE