Will Aerodrome and Velodrome Dethrone Uniswap?
The Edge Podcast - A podcast by DeFi Dad

Alex Cutler and Ace are Core Contributors at Aerodrome and Velodrome. In this episode, we discuss whether Aerodrome and Velodrome can dethrone Uniswap. Alex and Ace share why these popular ve(3,3) AMMs continue to capture a significant portion of Uniswap’s dominance on Base and Optimism, and how they’ve set the bar for teams championing the anti-VC sentiment with zero fees, no VC backing, and no major team unlocks. ------ 🔗 Essential Show Links 🔗 ► Youtube: https://youtube.com/@defidad ► Apple: https://tinyurl.com/edgepod ► Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/edgepodspotify ► Linktree: https://linktr.ee/edge_pod ► Follow DeFi Dad: https://twitter.com/DeFi_Dad ► Follow Nomatic: https://twitter.com/Nomaticcap ► Learn about DeFi and Web3: http://defidad.com/ ------ The Edge Podcast Sponsor Resources 🚀 FLAT MONEY | NEW FLATCOIN AND DELTA-NEUTRAL MARKETPLACE BACKED BY RETH 💧 INSTADAPP | NEW LENDING AND BORROWING VAULTS WITH FLUID 🧑🌾 MANTLE | THE ETHEREUM L2 FOR TOP NATIVE YIELDS 🍵 MATCHA | THE BEST PRICE ON OVER 5 MILLION TOKENS 🟢 KELP DAO | THE FIRST LIQUID RESTAKING PLATFORM FOR LSTS 🔵 BLUEBERRY | THE DEFI PRIME BROKERAGE ------ Timestamps 0:00 - Intro 5:43 - Start of ve(3,3) AMMs 9:46 - The flywheel nature of ve(3,3) 15:04 - Aligning core contributors as veToken lockers 20:32 - The magic of a bear market start 26:16 - Why build on Base? 30:42 - Why build Slipstream? 35:30 - Blueberry mid-roll 35:59 - Importance of the OP Superchain 41:24 - Closing ------ 🔗 Guest Links 🔗 ► Velodrome Website: https://velodrome.finance/ ► Aerodrome Website: https://aerodrome.finance/ ► Velodrome on Twitter: https://twitter.com/velodromefi ► Aerodrome on Twitter: https://twitter.com/aerodromefi ► Alex on Twitter: https://twitter.com/wagmialexander ► Ace on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ace_da_book ------ If you're a DeFi/Web3 builder, contact our team at: https://fourthrevolution.capital/ All opinions expressed by hosts and podcast guests are solely their own opinions and not necessarily those of Fourth Revolution Capital. Podcast guests and 4RC may have positions in the assets or other matters discussed in this podcast. DeFi Dad holds VELO and AERO. This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a basis for investment decisions. Do your own research. This is not a recommendation or endorsement to buy any token(s) related to any platform(s) discussed.